Ep 453: Road to Rio - a new era for Brazil’s gaming industry
Speaker 3 (00:00.28)
Hello, good afternoon, good morning, wherever you are, to all our listeners and to my two guests here today, Lucia Mourinho and Isadora Macante from SBC's Latin America team. I'm Ted Orme Clay, editor of Payments Expert and Insider Sport, and I'm very pleased to be here with the Latam guys today to talk about SBC Summit Rio, which is obviously coming up in a couple of weeks.
I'll be making the journey over to Brazil myself in a couple of weeks time, really looking forward to that. Only my second outing to the Americas and my first ever outing to South America. yeah, looking forward to visiting you guys out there. This podcast is of course brought to you by Optimove, the number one CRM marketing solution for the iGaming market and sponsor of iGaming Daily.
I guess before we start having a chat about the summit itself, how are you both getting on? Lucir and Isadora, it's been a while since I spoke to you both, how are you?
I'm really good. I'm actually really excited and I am shocked that it's been a year since we hosted the first edition and I'm really, really looking forward to seeing everyone again in less than two weeks actually.
Yeah, I'm feeling the same as Lou. It's really nice to host the second edition in Rio. It seems that it's the first time doing this event again because it's a new location. We have a lot of new people coming to our event as well. have a lot of new things happening at the Rio Centro. So it's exciting. I'm quite nervous as well for this event. don't know, like it feels like the first time for me. So, but I'm really, really happy.
Speaker 1 (01:34.894)
But it's a good kind of nervous stuff.
Yes, it's a good kind of a virus. Yes, Yes, exactly.
Yeah, I mean, obviously, like I said, I'm really looking forward to attending as well. I mean, I really look forward to seeing Brazil, to be fair, yeah, for the first time ever. But the conference itself has got, yeah, a really great agenda. Certainly, you from my side of things on the content production and reporting side, there's a huge amount of topics to be discussed. Obviously, Brazil is probably the biggest talking point at the moment, really, in...
the sector we work in with the market, sorry, having just recently launched. loads of companies, both operators and suppliers are keen to get in there and get their foothold in the market and make their name known. And as a result of that, there's just a huge amount to be discussed. So as you guys have said, this is obviously the second time where SBC is having its outing to Rio. Although, like said, it almost feels like the first we've got so much anticipation for it. But
We've really sort of stepped it up a bit this year, I think. And I just want to hear your guys' opinion on this. Like how important is it that the SBC Summit Rio 2025 is the first event after this new license market has been introduced and is being enforced? Isadora, do you want me to come to you for that one as our Brazilian resident?
Speaker 2 (02:56.814)
Like you said, it's the first event of the year after the launch of the market. had the launch on the 30th, actually the first of January, like midnight, first January, 2025. So there's a lot of questions, a lot of things that we still need answers from the government and from the states and from even the municipalities that are now launching their own lotteries to provide.
sports gaming, sports games and online casino games to their audiences. So there's still a of questions, a lot of things that we're wondering what's going to happen. And I cannot say that SBC is not the place to be. SBC Rio to be as the first event after the regulated market launch, it's going to be the place where everybody's going to be there just to discuss these things and to understand what's going to happen. So.
Not only because it's the first event, but also because we are receiving a lot of people from the government. We are going to have representatives from the minister of finance there. We're going to have representatives from the technology company that manages C-GAP, which is the managing system from the minister of finance to overseas all the operations from the Brazilian operators in Brazil. We're going to have a lot of people, lawyers specialized in this.
in this industry, operators. We, as a relationships manager for the Brazilian market, I'm in constant communication with basically every single licensee, licensee operator in Brazil. So I can tell you that if not all, most of them of the licensee operators from the federal government will be there, will be in Rio. So obviously we're going to have...
other operators that are not licensed by the federal government yet, but are in process of obtaining a license. We're going to have operators that are not licensed by the federal government, but are licensed by another territory in Brazil, another state, which is incredible. Everybody can exchange experiences, exchange knowledge, talk about the industry and obviously do businesses and contribute to get more out of this industry that is so prosperous.
Speaker 2 (05:12.12)
Prosperous and have so many things to offer, especially in its first year after being officially regulated, let's say like that. So it's really interesting. We're going to have a bunch of affiliates as well. It's insane the amount of affiliates that we have in Brazil. We have different kinds of affiliations as well. It's not just like the ones that we see in Europe most of the times, like let's say like site, websites or companies, but we also have like individuals.
who work as affiliates for companies as well, and they're going to be there. So we have so many new things and different things and maybe Luke can go over this as well, to tell us, for example, about the Influencer Academy, which is awesome. I don't know if you're excited, Luke, for that. I can comment on that, but just to...
Definitely excited about that because it might sound like it's just for affiliates, but it's not. We know, I mean, you've mentioned this just now, like the Brazilian market is very unique. They have different ways of operating that you don't see, not even in other Latin American countries. Sometimes you have similarities between Brazil and neighboring countries. But in this case, haven't, I like never seen something like this. They use affiliation very differently than
what you see in Europe, what you see in North America, and what you see in other Latin American countries. So this influencer academy is definitely not just for affiliates. It's also for operators and also, I think, for suppliers and other stakeholders to be able to understand how the Brazilian ecosystem actually works. So yeah, mean, it's open for everybody. You can go to the website, check it out, see more information about it.
and also register your interest so if you want to get notifications about it and stuff, can. But yeah, it will take place during the event. It's another great option for people who want to understand how it all works.
Speaker 3 (07:13.038)
That's a really interesting point actually guys. Thank you for raising that because I hadn't even thought of that element. think from my perspective as an outsider, it's been quite interesting to look at lot of the way the marketing provisions of a lot of these regulations in Brazil have shaped up and shaped out over the past year with the legislative developments going on. And also like you guys have said about the importance of influencers within that marketing ecosystem in Brazil.
is quite significant, a lot more so than I think in the more established and mature markets in Europe that I'm used to. I think just another perspective for me there is someone who's spent his entire life in the UK. I'm quite looking forward to seeing what a lot of the conversations are like in this market that's only just been around for just over a month.
as compared to like in the UK where obviously as long as I've been alive, there's always been a regulated betting market and the conversations we've had has sort been about filling in the gaps in it and making sure it's adapted to modern times. Whilst obviously in Brazil, the conversations are about this is day one, how are going to make this work? How are we going to include all the different stakeholders in this? And you know, from the operators to it's kind of in my perspective of payments providers as well and know, sports organizations, football clubs.
I think it's going to be really interesting to see what these conversations are like at the event at such an early stage. Right, Lucia, I was just wondering if you can just, can you just fill in some of our listeners with any updates we've had about, I guess, how to attend the event, like event passes, any important information they might need to get to where they need to be.
Yeah, of course. mean, obviously, the website is the place where you need to go to register. But, you know, we know lots of things about the Brazilian industry, obviously, that right now it's the most interesting market that we have hundreds of new licenses, but also thousands that are interested in the industry. Maybe they're not part of it yet, or they're just giving their first steps here. So based on that and the feedback that we got, we launched the Expo Pass.
Speaker 1 (09:26.764)
which is a free pass that gives access to the expo floor both days and also the Influencer Academy workshop that we just mentioned. And to get this pass, people basically need to go to the SBC Events website, select the Rio event, which is the first one that comes up, and then get the tickets and they will see the free expo pass option. They will just need to register and they will get the confirmation. It's a very straightforward process. We also have other tickets.
options, which is the Expo Plus Pass. And besides the Expo, like both days of the event and the Influencer Academy, they also get access to the conference sessions and the SBC Connect app, which also allows them to watch the content on demand after the event. So let's say that they miss a panel because they had great networking opportunities, then the week after the event, they will be able to watch that panel.
from their own homes. And then we have the VIP pass, which is full access. So I mean, I don't even have to describe, but it literally gives them full access to the expo, conference, workshops, academy, and networking activities, including the Infinity Rio, which is the closing party that we have the last day.
With after Jack, let's mention that.
Yeah, like small detail, It's just a small detail. But besides that, I also wanted to mention that we have complementary passes for operators and affiliates. It's the same process for them, but instead of clicking on get tickets, they just need to register. And that way we get an email with the information, and then we confirm their attendance. We let them know that they've been approved, and that's pretty much it.
Speaker 3 (11:16.11)
Great stuff. Thank you, Lissia. Now, you guys obviously have a much deeper understanding of Brazil and the wider Latin American markets than I do. And I probably, I'd imagine, are involved in a lot more conversations with the people involved in these markets and these industries than I am. I'm kind of interested from the conversations you've been having and the sort of observations you may have made, what are some of the expectations the industry has about this upcoming event?
Well, from my side, can tell you that people are more excited than I am. It's incredible. it's incredible. possible? It is. Believe me, it is. They come to me like either we were just talking here, like before we started the podcast, people are calling all the time. They're like, hey, listen, can you please send me the details of the event? can I go to the Infinity Party? How do I join the event? listen, my friend told me that he just got a ticket. How can I go as well? I have a team to bring.
So we have so many excitements happening around the event. People are so seriously like, you have no idea how my WhatsApp it is. I don't know if Lou will share the same feeling as I do in this matter, but they put me into groups like pre-SPC Summit Rio event, post-SPC Summit Rio event, what we're going to do during the week, who is going, who is not, let's gather before the event and during the event and after the event.
So I don't know, like last year people were very excited about it too. But this year, I don't know, it sounded to me like it's a bit more, they are more excited than I am. They are more crazy about this than we are. And they cannot wait. Seriously, all my operators and affiliates are saying the same, like I cannot wait to go. SPC is the place to be. And Rio is always a good option.
From my side, the feedback has been fantastic so far. know, as two people who are in constant communication with key stakeholders and mainly operators and affiliates. And after a very successful first edition, they understand the importance of having the first major event since the market launch now and in Rio. But I don't think it's just about having an event, but also about what the space provides for them. In this case, the
Speaker 1 (13:36.578)
comprehensive agenda, the experts that are participating in the program, the workshops, the networking opportunities, the new summits, payment expert summit and affiliate leader summit. There's literally options for every single industry profile out there. I think it's mainly about that. They understand that right now it's the moment. If they are interested in this industry, if they're not part of the industry, this is the moment where they need to activate.
whatever they have in mind and for the people who are involved in the industry, this is the space where they will meet the people that they need to meet to do whatever business they want to do. And also, it's again, it's not just about like what they have planned, but it's also about what opportunities they see that they haven't even think about.
Can I just add something about the agenda? I'm just going to say thank you to Aidan and Sofia, our conference team, like for putting this agenda together. The quality of the content and the quality of the people speaking on every single day panel that we're going to have during the event is amazing. We have new topics, topics that I've never seen being discussed in any other event, including SBC events in the past. Like we never discussed certain topics before.
And we're going to discuss these topics this year at the Rio event. So it's a really great agenda, great names, impeccable names, like people that are not from the industry, but were brought to the industry because of the situation in Brazil, such as lawyers, minister of finance, senator, deputies, and everybody involved in the legislative process of the regulation as well.
people who are trying to understand and implement the regulation into their cities or states as well. So yeah, I just wanted to say thank you to them because it's a very unique and very well elaborated agenda for this year event.
Speaker 1 (15:40.404)
Shout out to Aiden Brain and Sophia Pinto.
Yeah, absolutely. I couldn't agree more there guys. Obviously huge credit to the conference team for really knocking out of the park with this one. As you said, Isadora, it's an incredibly comprehensive and complete agenda that covers so many different facets of this market. So yeah, like we said, all credit to them. Fantastic job. I think we're just going to take a quick break and then we'll be back to finish our chat about this SBC Summit Rio.
And we're back. Yeah, back here in the studio of Lucia and Isadora to talk a bit more about the SBC Summit Rio. Now, guys, you've already touched on this a bit earlier when we mentioned the affiliates and the influencers and the conversation around that that we're going to have at the event. Of course, we've got the Affiliate Leaders Summit. How important are affiliates in this new Brazilian market and how can the industry take advantage of this event in this regard? Isadora, I think you might be the ideal person to come to first with this one.
Their importance is 100%, especially when our regulation says that affiliates and operators both have responsibilities when they promote or advertise their games, then their products, their services to the audience. So it's not just like, okay, I'm an operator, I'm going to focus on my thing or I am an affiliate, I'm going to focus on my thing and what I do. Like both of these two categories have to work together.
towards a healthy and responsible industry in Brazil. And that's what the law says. That's what the best practice says. And that's what we're going to offer them in Rio as well. That's why the affiliate leader summit embraces both affiliates and operators in one floor, in one place to discuss and be more like narrow relationships so they can talk to each other and understand the role of each one and how they can work together as they should.
Speaker 2 (17:38.702)
to offer a better product and a better service to these customers. yeah, like the affiliates are at 100%. I would say that they are like the vital promotion system of operators in Brazil. It's a very, like Lu said earlier, it's a very unique way of doing affiliation.
Thank you, Isadora. That's obviously, yeah, like we said, an incredibly important part of the market and incredibly important part of this event. I think something else I should obviously give a quick mention for, my, mention too, sorry, given my day-to-day job of SBC is obviously the Payment Expert Summit. I'm really looking forward to kind of getting stuck into a lot of the topics that are being covered there because I do think the payments and sort of finance and technology aspect of Brazil is...
incredibly interesting, particularly from my perspective as I said earlier, someone who's focused predominantly on the European markets and on the UK and so on for a lot of my career. think obviously PICS in particular is incredibly interesting. It's very different to what we're used to in Europe. And I think Brazil and in fact the wider Latin American payments technology and financial technology sector is very interesting and very innovative.
I think it's going to be very interesting to see how this links in with the betting side of things with regards to obviously just the normal standards of people making payments, also the fraud prevention and anti-money laundering and the incorporation of new technologies into the sector and really streamlining it is very unique. I think there's a lot of interesting conversations to be had around that. yeah, thought I'd just give a quick shout out to the Payment Experts Summit and again to the conference team for putting on a solid agenda.
I think we're coming up towards the end of our chat here, we're starting to run out of time a bit so can I just ask you guys to give me a bit of a summary about what your personal expectations are for the event and how can attendees get the most out of it. Lucia, let's go with you first.
Speaker 1 (19:42.86)
Okay, to give a brief summary of the event, takes place at Rio Centro on February 25th, 27th, so it's less than two weeks away. We have the opening party on the 25th at the Rio Centro Arts Pavilion. It's a great venue. I was very lucky to be able to visit it last year, so I'm looking forward to attend again. Then on the 26th, we have the normal Expo Day and also the 3v3 football championship at hole number four.
And at night we have the networking event at the ex Rio, starting at 8 p.m. Then on the last day of the event, the 27th, we have the Expo day, the championship once again, and also the closing party, which we all know it as Infinity Rio, started at 9 p.m. at the Superstage, also at Rio Central, with Afrojack and DabDocs. And let me mention this about the passes again. We have the VIP pass, full access. We have the Expo...
Plus Pass Conference Expo and Influencer Academy and the newly launched Expo Pass Expo and Influencer Academy. That's free for everyone who wants to attend. They just need to go to the svcevents.com website, click on the real event and then get passes or add KTD in English, as I believe in Portuguese. Just click there. You register. It's a very easy process.
Okay, fantastic. Thank you, Lou. Yeah, I think that's all we've got time for, but guys, again, thanks so much for taking the time to speak with me. It's going to be a fantastic event and, yeah, anyone who wants to go follow Lou's instructions and get yourself registered and get yourself out there. Yeah, again, thanks guys and I'm looking forward to speaking with you both in person in Rio in a couple of weeks.